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This weekend, multiple people came up to me to explain that my blog and social media channels have inspired them. Honestly, this makes me so happy. When you read my posts I hope that you feel something: hopeful, excited, motivated, inspired etc. I created Style by Liv because I wanted to make my mark on the […]

Why you need to stop being so hard on yourself

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Over the years, it becomes more and more evident that we have the ability to create our own happiness. Yes, circumstances influence our happiness and sometimes happy isn’t even on our radar but I’ve noticed regardless of my situation I am happiest when I am on top of my game mentally, physically, creatively etc. Every day we […]

26 healthy habits you should adopt in your twenties

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I’ve been a “glass half-full” kind of person for a while now. Positivity is something that I’ve always tried to emulate in my daily life. There was not one event where I consciously made the decision to always be happy, it was more of habit I developed over time. This habit has now turned into […]

12 TED talks for the positive millennial

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With spring break approaching everyone is counting calories and starting crazy diets. This self-hate is actually contagious. The other night I was craving a chocolate bar and told my boyfriend. I explained to him that “I really shouldn’t” and his reply “You should do it.” He is so right. I bought the chocolate bar and it […]

Daily Reminder: Love Yourself

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Being President of my Sorority is one of the best decisions I made at James Madison University. It is extremely difficult but so rewarding. As Chapter President, my responsibilities include absolutely everything. I run Business Meetings, deal with conflict resolution, approve T-shirt designs, plan events, oversee officer positions, communicate with other chapters and so much […]

7 Things I’ve Learned As Sorority President