The Blog

Goodbye to 2022, Hello 2023

I can feel the energy shifting and my emotions shedding as we enter into a new chapter with 2023. I’m determined to use the lessons I’ve learned in 2022 to improve myself even more this next year. Some lessons I’m taking with me are…

God has a plan for us and it’s usually on His timeline, not ours

Take note of the people who leave you feeling drained and edit accordingly

It’s okay to change your mind

Home is not a physical place but a feeling

Love is loyal, gentle, and encouraging

Community is more important than success at work

You are not being mean if you are setting boundaries, it’s an essential part of life

Constantly edit and curate your life

Listen to your body as it communicates to you in many different ways

Your physical impacts your mental and your mental impacts your physical

You control your mindset

You are exactly where you need to be

The word I’m choosing for 2023 is ELEVATE and I’m so excited to bring it to life. I’m no longer letting my emotions or circumstances bring me down, I’m going to elevate above it all. Some of my intentions for the year are:

Elevate my physical health through consistent dedication to my workout routine

Elevate my community to include more likeminded, uplifting, godly women

Elevate my spirit by committing to a self care routine and setting clear boundaries, so that I can radiate my spirit onto others

Elevate my clients physical and mental health

Elevate my house into a home

Elevate my career to reach even more women in an impactful way

THIS is going to be a good year and not just because it’s a new date but because I’m intentionally pivoting and changing my habits. Your 2023 won’t be any different unless you yourself become different.

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